Zee UP/UK- 27.4%
News State UP/UK- 25.7%
News18 UP/UK- 19.4%
ABP Ganga- 11.2%
Bharat Samachar- 9.1%
Sahara Samay UP/UK- 4.9%
Hindi Khabar- 1.5%
India News UP/UK- 0.8%
Zee MP/CG- 38.2%
IBC 24- 20.8%
News State MP/CG- 16.5%
News18 MP/CG- 15.2%
Bansal News- 5.7%
Sahara Samay MP/CG- 3.2%
India News MP/CG- 0.4%
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Ayush Kumar Jaiswal,
Founder & Editor
brings over a decade of expertise in ethics to mediajob.in. With a passion for integrity and a commitment to fostering ethical practices, Ayush shapes discourse and thought in the media industry.
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