We are hiring reporters in New Delhi to keep Republic TV (English) ahead on breaking news stories from the bureau.
- Reporters will be expected to identify, track, file and follow stories on their own
- Reporters will be expected to keep the channel ahead of the competition on a daily basis across beats
- Reporters will need to have key contacts in their respective cities
- Reporters with an instinct to identify and follow investigative & exclusive stories will be preferred
- Reporters will be expected to coordinate closely with the Editor-in-Chief and the core Editorial teams in Mumbai & Delhi
Apply www.linkedin.com/jobs/view/2796263751/?refId=Mw2Q3k1GRkiUJdAxnGA%2Bgw%3D%3D

अजय तोमर बतौर ढाई सालों से मीडिया जॉब केेेेेेेेेेेेेेेेेेेेेेेेेेेेे लिए योगदान दे रहे हैं. वर्तमान समय में जी मीडिया संस्थान में कार्यरत हैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैं. पत्रकारिता जगत में दस साल से ज्यादा का अनुभव हैं.