ABP Asmita and ABP Ananda took the top spot on the Election Counting Day for Haryana and Jammu & Kashmir Polls. On October 8, ABP Network took the lead on YouTube Concurrency and viewership for the VODs and live streams across Hindi, Bengali and Gujarati markets.
During the peak and early counting hours, ABP News, ABP Asmita and ABP Ananda procured the top spots in terms of viewership and concurrency for the LIVE Streams.
ABP News was also the top destination for the VOD viewership on the counting day with more than 20% share of the Hindi News Publishing, ABP Ananda with 43%, and ABP Asmita with 38% share as of 10 AM on October 8, 2024 (Source: Data Beings).
YouTube | LIVE Viewership Share at 9:00 AM | Hindi News
ABP News led with 25% market share for the LIVE streams in the Hindi News Category with 1.5x higher viewership than the closest competition ahead of Aaj Tak, News 24.

In the weekly leaderboards, the standings showcased the dominance as with ABP News at #2 in Hindi language market for the last week for VODs uploaded during the same week.
Hindi News | YouTube Leaderboard | VOD Viewership (Latest Week)

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