MensXP is hiring Hindi Content Writer for Gurgaon location
Experience: 2-4 years
A keen interest in the following topics is a MUST:
Men’s Fashion
Men’s Grooming
Sexual Health
Qualities you must possess as an applicant:
Ability to think and write on feet
natural interest in writing and storytelling
fair understanding of the principles of visual design
understands when quality outweighs deadline, and vice versa
a room full of books that you have read and know by heart
volumes of self-composed, self-edited write-ups
basic knowledge of Google Docs, Content Management Systems, etc
a good sense of humor.
Interested candidate share your profile at

अजय तोमर बतौर ढाई सालों से मीडिया जॉब केेेेेेेेेेेेेेेेेेेेेेेेेेेेे लिए योगदान दे रहे हैं. वर्तमान समय में जी मीडिया संस्थान में कार्यरत हैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैैं. पत्रकारिता जगत में दस साल से ज्यादा का अनुभव हैं.